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Everyone seems to be talking about freedom nowadays and throwing it around as a goal and guiding principle for life, without really understanding what it means to them, on a personal level.

But freedom is a big topic that means different things to different people. Before you start chasing it, it’s important to define it and what it means to you, specifically. Only then can you start to set goals and targets and chase it down in your own life. After all, when you don’t have a clearly defined target, you’re unlikely to hit it!

For me, freedom is very specific and I’m chasing it in the following areas: [su_spacer size=”10″]





It’s got nothing to do with travelling the world, drinking cocktails and lying on beaches coaching people from a laptop. If you dig into it, I think you’ll find that’s a poor definition of freedom and a fairly empty goal to pursue in your life (for more than a couple of years).

But that’s the beauty of freedom. It’s an individual thing and your definition will be totally different to mine (thank God).

Rather than simply throwing the term around because it sounds cool, I would encourage you to explore what freedom means to you, on a deeper level and the work out how you can get more of it in your life.